Add-on Frequencies


All Palo Santo Bundles are charged with the frequency of LOVE (528Hz)


You may choose as many additional frequencies from the list below as you wish. Each additional frequency is only $0.75. Your bundle will hold these frequencies and the vibrations and intentions of them will be passed onto you energetically.

These bundles make great gifts for friends or family members!

Each custom bundle will include a list of chosen frequencies and their descriptions.

GUIDANCE: As you read the descriptions of frequency options below, notice how each one makes you feel. Does your breathing or heart rate change? Your body relax? Does a sense of knowing wash over you? Noticing these subtle somatic cues will help you land on the frequencies needed most for you or your loved one at this time.


Solfeggio frequencies make up the ancient 6-tone scale thought to have been used in sacred music such as the beautiful Gregorian Chants (UT, RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA). The specific frequencies in the Solfeggio scale help to bring a harmonic balance back to your mind, body and spirit.

Chakra: Root (Muladhara)

UT (Red) - 396Hz

Intent: turning grief into joy, liberating guilt & fear

This frequency liberates the energy. It cleanses the feeling of guilt, which often represents one of the basic obstacles to realization, enabling achievement of goals in the most direct way. The ‘UT’ tone releases you from the feelings of guilt and fear by bringing down the defense mechanisms. 396 Hz frequency searches out hidden blockages, subconscious negative beliefs, and ideas that have led you to your present situations.

Chakra: Sacral (Swadisthana)

RE (Orange) - 417Hz

Intent: undoing situations and facilitating change

Produces energy to bring about change. This frequency cleanses traumatic experiences and clears destructive influences on past events. The ‘RE’ tone encourages the cells and its functions to behave in an optimal way. 417 Hz frequency puts you in touch with and inexhaustible source of energy that allows you to change your life. Said to increase creativity, joy and independence. Balances the emotional body. Assists in dissipating guilt, creative blockages, harmful attachments/co-dependency, addictions.

Chakra: Solar Plexus (Manipura)

MI (Gold) - 528Hz

***(already included - frequency of LOVE)***

Intent: transformation and miracles (DNA repair)

The tone ‘MI’ is used to return human DNA to its original, perfect state. This frequency brings transformation and miracles to your life. The process of DNA reparation is followed by beneficial effects - Increased amount of life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, awakened or activated creativity, and ecstatic states like deep inner peace, dance, and celebration. The “MI” tone activates your imagination, intention and intuition to operate at your highest and best purpose. 528 Hz is the frequency of Love.

Chakra: Heart (Anahata)

FA (Green) - 639Hz

Intent: re-connecting and balancing, relationships

This frequency enables creation of harmonious community and harmonious interpersonal relationships. The ‘FA’ tone can be used for dealing with relationship problems - those in family, between partners, friends, or social problems. When talking about cellular processes, 639 Hz frequency can be used to encourage the cells to communicate with their environment. This frequency enhances communication, understanding, tolerance and love.

Chakra: Throat (Vishudda)

SOL (Blue) - 741Hz

Intent: solving problems, expressions/solutions

The frequency cleans the cell from the toxins. Frequent use of 741 Hz leads to a healthier, simpler life. The ‘SOL’ tone cleans the cells from different kinds of electromagnetic radiations. Another application of this sound frequency is solving problems of any nature. The fifth frequency of the Solfeggio scale will also lead you into the power of self-expression, which results in a pure and stable life. Awakening intuition, connecting to our truth, self expression, inventiveness, inspiration. Improved communication, and creativity (vocal or with words). Contains our ability to define ourselves in this world.

Chakra: 3rd Eye (Ajna)

LA (Violet) - 852Hz

Intent: awakening intuition, returning to spiritual order

The ‘LA’ tone is linked to your ability to see through the illusions of your life, such as hidden agendas of people, places and things. This frequency can be used as a means for opening a person up for communication with the all-embracing spirit. It raises awareness and lets you return to spiritual order. Regarding cellular processes, 852 Hz enables the cell to transform itself into a system of higher level. Connecting to inner knowing/higher self, connected to the Pineal gland, self-reflection, clear vision, dissolves duality allowing us to stop seeing good/bad and I/You.

Chakra: Crown (Sahasrara)

All Frequencies Activated Simultaneously (White/Indigo)

Connecting to universal energy/source/higher realms/alternate realities and timelines, oneness with all, bliss state, flow, self-knowledge, balance here can assist with depression/psychosis.


OHM - 136.1Hz

Represents sustenance, nurturance, and wholeness. Corresponds to the Earth travelling around the Sun through the seasons in its 365-day yearly orbit.

Energetics: Helps us to connect more deeply to the work we must do., providing the balance needed to complete our destiny successfully.

EARTH - 194.18

Zodiac rulership: Our relationship to the whole wheel

Character: Stimulates & strengthens

Themes & Keywords: Grounding, nature, connectedness, mother, food, the Earth body energy as a whole, the whole life cycle (birth, life, death, wisdom and experience)

Energetics: Refuels the system and boosts the immune function. Earth represents the ability to be comfortable in the body, and the homework each must do. It gives the balance and sustenance needed to complete life's destiny successfully.

SUN -126.22

Zodiacal Rulership: Leo

Character: Self

The Sun represents warmth, growth and life itself, providing a boost to our overtaxed immune system.

Themes & Keywords: Perception of life, self-identity, creative potential, urge to be and create, vitality, individuality, essential being or nature, radiation of spirit, essence of self, ego and will, consciousness, individuality, desire to achieve significance, leadership potential

Energetics: Helps to define our individuality, integrity and independence. The Sun helps us to overcome limiting environmental conditions and to be in touch with our divine seed.

MOON (NEW) - 210.42Hz

Zodiacal Rulership: Cancer

Character: Movement, opening, emotions, feelings

The New Moon represents the cycle from one new moon to the next.

Themes & Keywords: Opening, movement, emotional and habitual reactions to life, the Mother, the past

Energetics: Nurturing, feminine side of all people

VENUS - 221.23Hz

Zodiacal Rulership: Taurus/Libra

Character: Relationship

Venus represents love, sensuality, the female principle, harmony and attraction.

Themes & Keywords: Affection, appreciation, devotion, need to be desired, relating, eros, harmony, balance and proportion, love and beauty, refinement, aesthetics, the arts, sexuality (the yin aspect), sensuality and sensuousness, sense of values and taste, concern for justice, generosity of spirit, sharing with others

Energetics: Increases our awareness of others, brings beauty, harmony, creativity and abundance, while opening us up to the power and potential of relationship

URANUS - 207.36Hz

Zodiacal Rulership: Aquarius

Character: Change

Uranus represents electricity, individualism, originality, and freedom.

Themes & Keywords: Collective mind, technology, astrology and astronomy, electricity, illumination, sudden and unanticipated events, awakening, humanitarianism, egalitarianism, interconnectivity, innovation and creation, individuality, idiosyncrasy and eccentricity, freedom, differentiation, explosiveness, rapid change, independence, genius and invention, divine will, disruption, rebellion and revolution

Energetics: To initiate changes wherever necessary in our life and habit patterns. Uranian energy throws us into the unexpected and unknown, forcing us to experience the new and unusual, ever expanding our field of awareness.

SATURN - 147.85Hz

Zodiacal Rulership: Capricorn

Character: Discipline

Saturn represents stability, structure, perseverance and wisdom.

Themes & Keywords: The father (personal and archetypal), manifestation, the material world, boundaries, limitations, hard work, authority

Energetics: To restrain us, to forge us in the inner fire of discipline, so that we may gain the power and wisdom to actualize our soul's purpose

PLUTO - 140.25Hz

Zodiacal Rulership: Scorpio

Character: Transformation

Pluto represents the last frontier, the underworld, hidden riches, the deep and mysterious.

Themes & Keywords: Death, rebirth, depths of the unconscious, shadow-self, toxicity, sex, sexuality and sexual issues, power, the underworld, hidden riches, the deep and the mysterious, polarity, karmic and earthly origins

Energetics: Growth and transcendence through conflict. Breaks down the old into its component parts, only to reassemble them on a new higher octave. Pluto rules the raising of Kundalini, the major driving power of this ongoing process.

NEPTUNE - 211.44Hz

Zodiacal Rulership: Pisces

Character: Transcendence, Creativity and Bliss

Neptune represents oneness, unity, unlimited boundaries and water.

Themes & Keywords: Dreams, art, poetry, music, spiritual devotion, addictions, merging with the absolute, mysticism, vision, compassion

Energetics: Dissolves outdated patterns and attachments in order to make room for growth. Neptune points out false projections and illusions, allowing us to reclaim lost power; helps to access the potential for intuition, inspiration, and artistic creativity. Experience, evolution, and then transcendence realized for the whole, only to be dissolved again.

MERCURY - 141.27Hz

Zodiacal Rulership: Gemini and Virgo

Character: Mind

Mercury represents synthesis, communication, inventiveness and speech.

Themes & Keywords: Mental acuity and agility, intelligence and cunning alertness, discrimination, unification of opposites, grief, touch, business instinct

Energetics: Activates the mind and reason helps to remove blocks and stagnation

MARS - 144.72Hz

Zodiacal Rulership: Aries

Character: Passion
Mars represents virility, power, the male principle and courage.

Themes & Keywords: Self-assertion, aggressiveness, willingness to set and defend boundaries, instinct for survival, anger, energy, aspiration, motivation, decisiveness, willpower, athletics, focus, struggle

Energetics: Propels the mind, body and spirit into action

JUPITER - 183.58Hz

Zodiac Rulership: Sagittarius

Themes & Keywords: Pursuit of personal growth, desire for adventure, going beyond previous limits, appetite, excess, gluttony and hedonism

Energetics: Expansion and growth, healing, creating harmony, restoration, recuperation, assimilation, production of heat and regulation of temperature


Zodiacal Rulership: Virgo
Character: Initiation

Chiron represents the wounded healer a bridge between the material and spiritual.

Themes & Keywords: Wounding, the urge to heal and teach, acceptance of spirituality, initiation, gratitude, paradigm shifts, repairing and mending.

Energetics: A catalyst to help access and heal the deepest wounds, so that we may move forward with strength, compassion and wisdom to achieve our true destiny. This fork helps us access the deepest parts of self. As we integrate new knowledge into our daily life we are able to expand in many positive directions accepting that we are both multi-dimensional and healthy.

Themes & Keywords: Wounding, the urge to heal and teach, accepting spirituality, initiation, intersection points, mentorship, the gift of the wound, reintegration, service to others, vibrational medicine, divination, urge toward wholeness, the women healer, the healed healer, gratitude, paradigm shifts, repairing and mending, detoxification, analyzing and solving, Earth stewardship

Anatomical Correspondences: Wounds and scars of a physical, emotional or psycho-spiritual nature; left and right hemispheres of the brain


Note: each frequency must be added separately

Ohm and Sun create the Solar 7th interval, which is energizing and warming. It boosts the immune function, and pushes us toward the change we most need.

Ohm and New Moon create the New Moon 5th interval, which gently opens and releases.

Ohm and Venus create a 6th with both a building and nourishing quality.

Ohm and Uranus create a 5th, which opens with an electrical charge to new possibilities.

Ohm and Saturn create a minor 2nd (semitone), which is somewhat dissonant as we depart from our home tone to create new structures.

Ohm and Pluto create a microtone that is highly dissonant and penetrating. Helps one move through periods of grief and/or deep transformation and change.

Ohm and Neptune create a 5th, guiding toward ecstatic opening.

Ohm and Mercury create a microtone with movement and dissonance that gets things moving.

Ohm and Jupiter create a 4th, which reaches and expands. Creates space for growth, abundance, prosperity and adventure.

Ohm and Chiron (Hand Chimes) - The Ohm/Chiron Major 2nd interval embodies the archetype of the wounded healer. It is the catalyzing bridge, which crosses the divide and allows access to deep wounds and scars of a physical, emotional, or psycho-spiritual nature in order to transform and repair. Helps us lift deeply buried wounds so that we are able to expand our present state of awareness.

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